Navy Virtual Recruit Tracker (VRT)

Case Studies > Training & Performance

Business Objectives

The Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) had a business need to track not just knowledge-based training progress, but the actual physical training (PT) performance of recruits enlisted in the Navy Recruiting Command’s (NRC) delayed entry program.


Veracity provided a solution to the problem of the Navy Recruiting Command’s recruiters not being able to track and measure a combination of training and human performance. The Veracity Learning LRS analytics dashboard was implemented to show activity in the mobile app instrumented with xAPI tracking, which included self reporting of physical activities and assessments.


Within three days of going live, they had over 700 future sailors download the mobile app and the LRS had over 7000 statements written. The app is now used regularly by both recruiters and recruits to show progress in learning measurement and performance beyond what was typically provided from only an LMS. As of June 2020, this Navy Recruiting Command case study has generated over 117,000 xAPI Statements.

The Solution

Several custom dashboards were created as part of the solution. The dashboards are described below.

Weight Loss & Exercise Leaderboards

• Provided a leaderboard widget representing the top 5 users
• Data is based on self-reporting weight through the mobile app over time
• Listed in descending order by total weight lost & exercises performed
• Providing a leaderboard (or other gamification features) can increase motivation for students


BMI Dashboards

• Dashboard that shows how much using the app affects Body Mass Index (BMI), a measure of body fat
• Results show there is very little correlation (since the number is so low) between using the mobile app content and it impacting their BMI
• Even though this correlation is not significant, this data is still useful
• The activity over time BMI dashboard allows you to select and highlight those users with the most change over time

BMI dashboard

Individual (Learner) Dashboards

• Individuals can also drill down and see their own dashboards and class rank on specific activities
• This allows users to see how they are doing compared to other users or classmates and research has shown this can positively influence individual motivation to perform better
• Providing this type of comparison dashboard (or other gamification features) can increase motivation for students
• Weekly Activity shows weekly activity and completions

learner dashboards